
Sunday, December 29, 2019

2019 Oscar Predictions - Round 5

  1. The Irishman
  2. 1917
  3. Marriage Story
  4. Parasite
  5. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
  6. Jojo Rabbit
  7. Little Women
  8. Joker
  9. Ford v. Ferrari
  10. Bombshell - Promoted

2nd Tier
The Farewell - Demoted

Dropped Off
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

  1. Martin Scorcese (The Irishman)
  2. Bong Joon-ho (Parasite)
  3. Sam Mendes (1917)
  4. Quentin Tarantino (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood)
  5. Greta Gerwig (Little Women) - Promoted

2nd Tier
Noah Baumbach (Marriage Story) - Demoted

Dropped Off
Taika Waititi (Jojo Rabbit)

  1. Adam Driver (Marriage Story)
  2. Joaquin Phoenix (Joker)
  3. Leonardo Dicaprio (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood)
  4. Antonio Banderas (Pain and Glory)
  5. Robert De Niro (The Irishman)

2nd Tier
Jonathan Pryce (The Two Popes) - Promoted Back

Dropped Out
Eddie Murphy (Dolemite is My Name)
Adam Sandler (Uncut Gems)

  1. Renee Zellweger (Judy)
  2. Charlize Theron (Bombshell)
  3. Scarlett Johansson (Marriage Story)
  4. Saoirse Ronan (Little Women)
  5. Awkwafina (The Farewell)

2nd Tier
Cynthia Erivo (Harriet)

Dropped Off
Alfre Woodard (Clemency)

Supporting Actor
  1. Al Pacino (The Irishman)
  2. Brad Pitt (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood)
  3. Tom Hanks (A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood)
  4. Joe Pesci (The Irishman) - Promoted
  5. Anthony Hopkins (The Two Popes)

2nd Tier
Song Kang-ho (Parasite) - New

Dropped Off
Willem Dafoe (The Lighthouse)

Supporting Actress
  1. Laura Dern (Marriage Story)
  2. Jennifer Lopez (Hustlers)
  3. Margot Robbie (Bombshell)
  4. Florence Pugh (Little Women
  5. Scarlett Johansson (Jojo Rabbit) - Promoted

2nd Tier
Shuzhen Zhou (The Farewell) - Demoted

Dropped Off
Annette Bening (The Report)

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